Currently, we are working on some sponsorship for the BBQ project, so in the mean time, I thought I would catch you up on the results we have had trying our hand at gardening. I plowed in the fall for the fall/winter garden, and it has been a trial and error process. I grew up in the north where the dirt was so fertile you could just throw seeds out the back door and have an abundance of produce. Well, that is a little bit of an exaggeration, but not by much. On the Gulf Coast in Texas, our dirt here is nearly clay, so it is hard to get it broken up and soft. My brother is a horticulturist, and he gave me some pointers on what to mix in to get better results from this soil. But, we didn’t fair too bad, and each time we plant something, the results get better.
Steve with the first green beans- the purple variety!
Fall Garden 2013. We had a good start, but the cold killed some of our progress.
At the end of the season, we were able to get some nice carrots, and harvest the last of the beans to dry for seed.
And now we start plowing for the spring.
The last harvest from the winter garden.